Thursday, November 20, 2008

More Minis

One of the women from my art guild asked for some small pieces of art to decorate the Christmas tree at the gallery we have at the End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center. I decided to use my mini-masterpiece canvases to do a few images from Oregon City.
Here is my favorite little trailer:

3.5 x 2.5
Acrylic on canvas

And here are two views of the Oregon City Municipal Elevator:

Oregon City Elevator
3 1/2 x 2 1/2
Acrylic on canvas

Oregon City Elevator with Train Tracks
2.5 x 3.5
Acrylic on canvas


Lesley said...

I love those! I like how the focus is on the elevator and nothing else, something I aspire to do but I can't help but start throwing in buildings, then cars, and it all goes to crap.

Unknown said...

Thanks Leslie--it was an experiment. With such a small canvas to work on, it would have been hard to get more detail in anyway!!